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A list of 100 major sustainability-related conferences from various fields, organized in different countries, from July 2024 onwards

A list of 100 major sustainability-related conferences from various fields, organized in different countries, from July 2024 onwards

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) should be the cornerstone of our global mission and personal aspirations. These goals provide a comprehensive framework for addressing critical challenges such as poverty, inequality, climate change, and environmental degradation. However, many have lost sight of these vital objectives. The frequency of conferences focused on SDGs should significantly increase, and we must ensure that these gatherings translate into tangible actions and meaningful progress.

Everyone needs to reignite their commitment to these goals, integrating them into everyday decisions and community efforts, to create a sustainable future for all.

FieldConference NameLocationDateCountry
Renewable Energy7th International Conference on Renewable Energy and Environment EngineeringNantesAugust 21, 2024France
Environmental Systems10th International Conference on Environmental Systems ResearchRomeAugust 20, 2024Italy
Sustainable DevelopmentInternational Conference on Environment and Sustainable DevelopmentLondonAugust 21, 2024United Kingdom
Clean Energy2nd International Conference on Clean Energy and Low Carbon TechnologiesOnlineAugust 23, 2024Online
Sustainable Tourism8th International Conference on Sustainable Tourism ManagementMunichAugust 23, 2024Germany
Clean and Green Energy5th International Conference on Clean and Green Energy EngineeringIzmirAugust 24, 2024Turkey
Sustainable Development and Green Tech6th International Conference on Sustainable Development and Green TechnologyBeijingSeptember 20, 2024China
Sustainable Chemical Engineering3rd International Conference on Sustainable Chemical and Environmental EngineeringRethymnoSeptember 4, 2024Greece
Power and Energy Systems11th International Conference on Power and Energy Systems EngineeringNara CitySeptember 6, 2024Japan
Environmental Science14th International Conference on Environmental Science and EngineeringHong KongSeptember 20, 2024China
Renewable EnergyGlobal Research Conference on Renewable Energy and Sustainable DevelopmentMunichSeptember 23, 2024Germany
Smart Grid Technologies6th International Conference on Smart Grid TechnologiesGuangzhouSeptember 20, 2024China
Structural and Civil Engineering8th International Conference on Structural and Civil EngineeringMadridSeptember 10, 2024Spain
Building Materials and Engineering8th International Conference on Building Materials and Materials EngineeringMadridSeptember 10, 2024Spain
Business Sustainability3rd BESRA International Conference on Business Sustainability and Social ScienceBerlinSeptember 1, 2024Germany
Mechatronics and Automation7th International Conference on Mechatronics, Robotics and AutomationWuhanSeptember 20, 2024China
Robotics and Computer Vision6th International Conference on Robotics and Computer VisionWuxiSeptember 20, 2024China
Renewable Energy and Power Engineering7th International Conference on Renewable Energy and Power EngineeringBeijingSeptember 25, 2024China
Engineering and Innovative Materials13th International Conference on Engineering and Innovative MaterialsTokyoSeptember 6, 2024Japan
Sustainable Education12th International Conference on Sustainability, Technology and EducationBudapestJuly 13, 2024Hungary
Climate ChangeConference on Human Rights, Sustainability and Climate ChangeBuckinghamSeptember 20, 2024United Kingdom
Power and Renewable Energy9th International Conference on Power and Renewable EnergyGuangzhouSeptember 20, 2024China
Sustainable Technologies2nd Edition of International Conference on Renewable and Sustainable EnergyParisSeptember 26, 2024France
Environmental Systems10th International Conference on Environmental Systems ResearchRomeOctober 2, 2024Italy
Sustainability3rd International Conference on Technological and Social InnovationsBangkokSeptember 13, 2024Thailand
Sustainable Engineering6th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Vehicle EngineeringWuxiSeptember 20, 2024China
Power Science and Engineering13th International Conference on Power Science and EngineeringAnkaraSeptember 27, 2024Turkey
Environmental Research2nd International Conference on Environmental Research, Technology and InnovationViennaJuly 17, 2024Austria
Green Technologies4th Power System and Green Energy ConferenceShanghaiAugust 22, 2024China
Sustainable Development12th International Conference on Sustainable DevelopmentRomeSeptember 11, 2024Italy
Civil and Environmental Engineering5th International Symposium on Civil and Environmental EngineeringLangkawiSeptember 18, 2024Malaysia
Finance and SustainabilityInternational Conference on Finance and Sustainable DevelopmentDhakaAugust 23, 2024Bangladesh
Sustainable Tourism8th International Conference on Sustainable Tourism ManagementMunichAugust 23, 2024Germany
Mechanical Manufacturing Engineering7th International Conference on Mechanical Manufacturing and Industrial EngineeringTokyoAugust 21, 2024Japan
Sustainable Energy10th International Conference on Energy and SustainabilityLisbonOctober 2, 2024Portugal
Clean and Green Energy5th International Conference on Clean and Green Energy EngineeringIzmirAugust 24, 2024Turkey
Environmental SystemsInternational Conference on Environmental Systems ResearchRomeAugust 20, 2024Italy
Sustainable Development12th International Conference on Sustainable DevelopmentRomeSeptember 11, 2024Italy
Renewable Energy2nd International Conference on Clean Energy and Low Carbon TechnologiesOnlineAugust 23, 2024Online
Environmental Systems10th International Conference on Environmental Systems ResearchRomeAugust 20, 2024Italy
Renewable Energy7th International Conference on Renewable Energy and Environment EngineeringNantesAugust 21, 2024France
Renewable EnergyGlobal Research Conference on Renewable Energy and Sustainable DevelopmentMunichSeptember 23, 2024Germany
Environmental Science14th International Conference on Environmental Science and EngineeringHong KongSeptember 20, 2024China
Power and Energy Systems11th International Conference on Power and Energy Systems EngineeringNara CitySeptember 6, 2024Japan
Structural and Civil Engineering8th International Conference on Structural and Civil EngineeringMadridSeptember 10, 2024Spain
Building Materials and Engineering8th International Conference on Building Materials and Materials EngineeringMadridSeptember 10, 2024Spain
Business Sustainability3rd BESRA International Conference on Business Sustainability and Social ScienceBerlinSeptember 1, 2024Germany
Mechatronics and Automation7th International Conference on Mechatronics, Robotics and AutomationWuhanSeptember 20, 2024China
Robotics and Computer Vision6th International Conference on Robotics and Computer VisionWuxiSeptember 20, 2024China
Renewable Energy and Power Engineering7th International Conference on Renewable Energy and Power EngineeringBeijingSeptember 25, 2024China
Engineering and Innovative Materials13th International Conference on Engineering and Innovative MaterialsTokyoSeptember 6, 2024Japan
Sustainable Education12th International Conference on Sustainability, Technology and EducationBudapestJuly 13, 2024Hungary
Climate ChangeConference on Human Rights, Sustainability and Climate ChangeBuckinghamSeptember 20, 2024United Kingdom
Power and Renewable Energy9th International Conference on Power and Renewable EnergyGuangzhouSeptember 20, 2024China
Sustainable Technologies2nd Edition of International Conference on Renewable and Sustainable EnergyParisSeptember 26, 2024France

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